Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cost for lessons, and other information.

We charge $25.00 per half hour for children, and $30.00 per half hour for adults. You will also be responsible for purchasing your method and theory books. Unlike many other instructors, if you have to miss a lesson, you will not be expected to pay for it. We understand how involved children get in various school activities, and how over-worked the family taxi driver (Mom) gets.
However, continuity of weekly lessons and daily practice time is paramont to making progress.

Contact information:

Robert and Mariann Farrell
39 Oakwood Square
Pittsburgh, Pa. 15209

Phone: (412) 822-8078
(412) 443-7228



Friday, July 11, 2008

Schedule Piano Lesson for the Fall Season

Robert and Mariann Farrell have been teaching music for over 50 years. Mariann graduated from West Chester State Teacher's College in 1968 with a BS in Music Education.. Robert graduated the same year from Carnegie Mellon University with two degrees: a BFA in Music Education, and a BFA in Piano Performance. Now retired from the public education system, they devote their time teaching piano in their home